Productora: Lasot Media, Mallerich Films, Paco Poch Cinema
Lugar de grabación: China (Xiamen) and Spain (Cadaquès).
Lugar de producción: Barcelona, Spain

La Substancia, (The Substance) is Lluís Galter’s second full-length film.


In 2010, members of the company China Merchants Group arrived on Spain’s Costa Brava in the iconic Catalonian village of Cadaqués, a place that is internationally known for being refuge and inspiration for the famed painter, Salvador Dali.

Their mission: to make observations in order to construct, not long after, a replica of the Ampurdan village in China.

Six years later, Tingting, entrepreneur that lives in the city of Xiamen and has secured a flat in Kadakaisi, the Chinese replica of the village of Cadaqués, decides to spend a weekend in the newly acquired apartment to get away from her ever busy day to day. This is where La Sustancia begins: a documentary that navigates between the original and the replica, reality and dream, time and memory, time and remembrance, all through the landscapes of Cadaqués, Kadakaisi, Xiamen and Cap de Creus.